Carlos Carrasco-Farré

Welcome! I am an Asssitant Professor in the Information, Operations and Management Sciences Department at Toulouse Business School. Previously, I spent 5 years doing research at ESADE Business School and 7 years as a researcher at IESE Business School. I specialize in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Misinformation, Social Media, and Human-Machine Interactions. I earned an M.Res. in Management Sciences from ESADE Business School, an M.Sc. in Public and Social Policy from Pompeu Fabra University and the Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. in Political Science from Pompeu Fabra University.

My work has been published in Research Policy, Social Science Computer Review, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, California Management Review, and Strategy Science among other outlets. My research explores AI and Machine Learning methods to identify and classify misinformation, and behavioral interventions in social networks to mitigate the spread of false and polarizing content online. I have teaching experience in both undergraduate and graduate levels, focusing on decision making and quantitative methodology.

Besides my academic career, I am partner and Chief Data Scientist at EIXOS Economic Observatory.